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Using Smart Technology to Engage Students | Kate Biberdorf

As seen on CNN, NBC and the Discovery Channel, rock star instructor Dr. Kate Biberdorf shares best practices on planning and executing active learning strategies that engage students for deeper learning. This on-demand session is ideal for novices and experts in active learning and focuses on sharing new ideas and techniques to get students engaged and active in their own learning.

About Kate Biberdorf

At the University of Texas, Dr. Kate Biberdorf is breaking stereotypes and blowing stuff up—all in a good pair of heels. Through her theatrical and hands-on approach to teaching, Dr. Biberdorf is breaking down the image of the stereotypical scientist, while reaching students that might otherwise be intimidated by science. Students’ emotional responses, rather than rote memorization of facts, is key to Biberdorf ’s dynamic approach to her program, as well as science in general.

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