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Ready to take your conference session on the (virtual) road?

Submit your session to the Higher Education Speakers’ Bureau Grant
for a chance to earn $1,000 toward supporting your presentation!

Speakers’ Bureau Grant submissions are evaluated using the following criteria:

Use of DataThe proposal includes compelling use of data from a Macmillan Learning product

ContentThe proposal is thorough, of high quality, and compelling

MechanicsThe proposed flow/outline of session is organized and well-written

AbstractProgram abstract is well-written, concise and compelling

ExperiencePresenter experience and background is sufficient for this topic

General AppealThe session is likely to appeal to conference attendees

How it works:

Submit your proposal

Submissions are considered on a rolling basis, with those received by the end of each quarter awarded in the following quarter.

Judges evaluate

Following the criteria listed above, an impartial panel of judges evaluate each submission for quality, thoughtfulness, appeal, and use of data.

Grants of up to $1,000 awarded!

If your submission is selected, you can be eligible for up to $1,000 to help cover the costs of conference registration and travel-related expenses.



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