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2021 Lab Innovator Award
Share your story!

What innovations have you made in your lab classroom over the last year to meet the needs of a more digital and flexible lab environment?

In March 2020, Lab instructors across the country had to quickly pivot to an online teaching environment that was incompatible with the in person labs that are traditional in most disciplines. While many instructors turned to the remote learning solutions currently available in the market like kitchen lab kits, simulations and video demos, others developed their own solutions. Were you one of those creative Lab instructors who struck out in a new direction to develop new learning materials for your lab in the midst of a pandemic that changed the way we conduct labs on campus (and online)? We want to hear about your experiences and innovations!

Create a video introducing yourself and showing us some of the ways you’ve innovated your lab classroom over the last year (maximum 5 minutes). To accompany your video, please submit a written explanation of what motivated you to innovate your lab classroom, any challenges you faced, and what the future holds for your lab (maximum 500 words).

Share your story with us for a chance to win a 3 day, 2 night trip to the JW Marriott Resort in Phoenix, Arizona to share your innovations with Macmillan Learning employees. Win up to $500 as a runner up.*

How it Works




Who Can Participate?

All higher education faculty in the United States are eligible to share their stories for participation in the contest.


How Do I Win?

Participants are asked to submit a 3-5 minute video and a written submission up to 500 words. Videos and written stories will then be judged and 3 winners will be selected. All videos and written stories will be judged on their relevance, innovation, organization/coherence, and creativity.

The following awards will be given for the top 3 videos:

3 day, 2 night trip to Phoenix, AZ

$500 Amazon Gift Card

$250 Amazon Gift Card

How Can I Tell My Story

5 Minute Maximum

- AND -

500-Word Maximum

Important Dates

Submission Open Date:
February 26, 2021

Submission Close Date:
October 1, 2021

Winners Announced:
October 15, 2021

Share your Innovations!

Ready to share your story? Answer the following questions in a short video with accompanying written submission. Please be sure to read through the terms & conditions before participating.

Video Submission - Who are you and what have you done to innovate your lab classroom over the last year?

Written Submission - What motivated you to innovate your lab, what challenges did you face in your effort and how did your students respond?

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