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If you are an instructor, let's have a brief conversation about your course.

If you are a student or have questions for our customer support team, you can find them (and lots of answers) at https://macmillan.force.com/macmillanlearning/s/ .

Who does custom benefit?

Faculty: Custom course materials allow an instructor to match the text to what is taught in class and directly link the content to course objectives.

Students: Custom course materials are more affordable and they cover the specific content that will be taught in class.

Bookstores: Custom materials increase affordability and support student success, which ties the bookstore to the institution’s academic goals and objectives.

Reduce textbook costs. Increase student engagement. 

Q – Can I use copyrighted material?
A - We can assist your school with obtaining permissions for readings from other sources, but we cannot integrate text material from other publishers’ textbooks. We have a vast amount of content in our Select database, so often copyright clearance is not necessary.

Q – How long does it take to publish a custom text?
A - The timing of the custom book varies according to the project. A typical project takes ~3 months to produce, but production time can range from 6 weeks to 5-6 months.

Q – I have my own content but need guidance on imagery and layout. Can you help?
A – Yes! We provide professional design, illustration and editorial services. Authors can also select content from our vast collection of illustrations, photographs, digital interactives and pre-cleared text from our extensive database.

"63% students purchase new course materials"
"84% buy versus rent or download for free"
Source: NACS, Student Watch Attitudes & Behaviors toward Course Materials 2017-18 Report

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