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The Pendry Hotel Chicago


Friday Sessions 9/27/24

12:45-1:00 Welcome to be led by Scott Guile, Executive Marketing Manager, and Carolyn Merrill, Senior Executive Program Manager

1:00-1:30 Justin Wolfers, Professor, University of Michigan, "An Econ Educators Guide to our AI-Powered Future"

1:35-2:05 Jonathan Meer, Professor and Director of Undergraduate Programs, Texas A&M, “My AI Journey Thus Far”

2:10-2:40 Eric Chiang, Professor-in-Residence, University of Nevada Las Vegas, and Erika Martinez, Professor of Instruction, University of South Florida, “Fostering Success among First-Generation Students: Academic Policies and Best Practices”

2:45-3:15 Tyler Cowen, Professor, George Mason University, “How Should Economists Think About Policy?"

3:20-4:15 "Teaching Economics in the AI Era: Enhancements, Ethics, and Evolution" moderated by Susan Winslow, CEO, Macmillan Learning, and Sophie Haci, Professor, Houston Community College, Erika Martinez, Professor of Instruction, University of South Florida, and Jonathan Meer, Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Texas A&M

6:00-8:00 Open reception with buffet, drinks, and magic show with Scott Green

Saturday Sessions 9/28/24

8:00-8:45 Breakfast Gallery 2, 3, 4, 5

8:45-9:15 Betsey Stevenson, Professor, University of Michigan, "Both Governments and Markets Fail: Teaching Economics with Real-World Insights"

9:20-9:50 Alex Tabarrok, Professor, George Mason University, “The Economic Way of Thinking in a Pandemic”

10:00-10:35 Christopher Clarke, Assistant Professor, Washington State University, “The 'Vibecession': a disconnect between data and perceptions”

10:40-11:10 Eric Parsons, Associate Teaching Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, University of Missouri, “Does an economics education affect student policy views?”

11:15-11:55 Paul Krugman, Professor, Graduate Center, City University of New York, "Questions and Conversations with Paul Krugman" moderated by Ryan Herzog, Associate Professor, Gonzaga, and Aisling Winston, Clinical Assistant Professor, University at Buffalo

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