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Macmillan Learning EconEd Student Excellence Award Contest

by Samantha Mackley

Throughout my education, certain classes have profoundly influenced my academic path and  extracurricular endeavors. After taking one such class, Intermediate Microeconomics, I became  engrossed in the tangible relevance of economic theory in my daily life, from market dynamics  to policy implications. This course redirected my academic focus and ignited a passion for  understanding economic dynamics and its broader societal impacts. I benefited greatly from the  course materials, including the Macmillan textbook which pulled in real world applications and  highlighted the importance of economics. 

My enthusiasm for the course led me to return as a teaching assistant, wher

e I enjoyed helping  students grasp economic concepts and explore their interests. This experience allowed me to mentor students on their educational paths and contribute to their understanding of complex  economic principles. I have continued to take several advanced economic courses and began  participating in undergraduate research. 

At [school], I study the effects of a school lunch policy change on important  educational outcomes, and recently presented my findings at the MEA annual meetings.  Additionally, as a research assistant to Dr. Brittany Street, I contribute to data visualization and  analysis for crime and poverty research. In an NSF-funded REU at [school], where I developed a demand forecasting model for private aviation. These  experiences have provided me with invaluable insights and opportunities to contribute to  meaningful economic research. 

Beyond academic research, I am deeply committed to promoting economic knowledge and  engagement within the […] community. Serving on the leadership board for  Undergraduate Women in Economics and as co-president of […] Omicron Delta Epsilon, I have actively worked to enhance diversity, foster peer relations, and  create opportunities for departmental engagement. Additionally, as a founding editor of the  […]  Economic Review, an undergraduate social sciences journal, I have contributed to  increasing undergraduate involvement in economic discussions and promoting economic literacy  among students. 

My ultimate aspiration is to pursue a Ph.D. in Economics, leveraging my passion for the subject  to make meaningful contributions to critical areas such as education policy and poverty  alleviation. Economics is not just a subject of study for me; it is a passion that has profoundly  shaped my academic journey, research pursuits, and contributions to my community. I take  immense pride in my economics education and am eager to continue making impactful  contributions to the field through research, community engagement, and mentorship. 

Through my experiences, I have cultivated a deep understanding of the intricate dynamics of  economic interventions on societal well-being. This has fueled my ambition to contribute to  economic scholarship, particularly in areas that directly impact marginalized communities.  Winning the EconEd Student Education Award would validate my academic endeavors and  empower me to further advance economic scholarship and contribute meaningfully to policy making initiatives. I am confident that my passion, dedication, and track record of excellence  make me a strong contender for this award, and I am excited about the opportunity to continue  growing as a researcher and advocate for economic empowerment.