Introducing Interactive Graphing

Big News - Every Macmillan Principles of Economics text now features Interactive Graphs in the E-Book and in Achieve!

Want to explore what our interactive graphs look like in different texts? Below you can preview interactive graphs, explore the unique features of the specific principles of economics series, and watch videos about the new editions from the authors themselves!


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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Interactive and data-based graphs embedded throughout the eBook and in Achieve.

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Assessment questions in Achieve to accompany selected graphs and models.

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Interactive graphing bank for instructors to use in their lectures.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Hero Headline

Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

Principles of Economics 2e

Stevenson and Wolfers’ Principles of Economics is the most successful new introductory text in a generation. Betsey and Justin’s focus on useful economics helps students develop and apply economic intuition to their everyday decisions. They offer a fresh take on a wide range of foundational topics in an engaging presentation that has drawn enthusiastic feedback from hundreds of instructors and thousands of students.
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Economics 7e

Available with Achieve, Krugman and Wells’ widely adopted text helps students reach new levels of economic understanding.
The new edition is revised and enhanced, including new interactive graphs, interactive topic reviews, thorough coverage of the Covid recession, and updated analysis of aggregate demand/aggregate supply and monetary policy.
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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Principles of Economics

2nd Edition

Stevenson and Wolfers’ Principles of Economics is the most successful new introductory text in a generation. Betsey and Justin’s focus on useful economics helps students develop and apply economic intuition to their everyday decisions. They offer a fresh take on a wide range of foundational topics in an engaging presentation that has drawn enthusiastic feedback from hundreds of instructors and thousands of students.

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Economics: Principles for a Changing World

6th Edition

Eric Chiang’s new edition of Economics: Principles for a Changing World is an inviting, briefer introduction to economics that celebrates a diverse society while building a strong foundation for learning the fundamentals. In a presentation that reflects the full range of students who take the course, Chiang emphasizes data literacy and provides a carefully integrated online package of student-focused resources. Students will quickly grasp economics concepts within a changing, global context.

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*NEW 7th edition

Available with Achieve, Krugman and Wells’ widely adopted text helps students reach new levels of economic understanding.
The new edition is revised and enhanced, including new interactive graphs, interactive topic reviews, thorough coverage of the Covid recession, and updated analysis of aggregate demand/aggregate supply and monetary policy.

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Modern Principles of Economics

*NEW 6th Edition

Now with Achieve, Cowen and Tabarrok's book remains a top seller by incorporating up-to-date theories, data, and discussion and illustrating them with contemporary examples that reflect recent economic and theoretical advancements.

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Hero Headline

Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.

Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue.

Modern Principles of Economics 6e

Now with Achieve, Cowen and Tabarrok's book remains a top seller by incorporating up-to-date theories, data, and discussion and illustrating them with contemporary examples that reflect recent economic and theoretical advancements.
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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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