Bringing Open Science to Undergraduate Statistics
Bringing Open Science to Undergraduate Statistics
In this webinar, Dr. Kelly Goedert and Dr. Susan Nolan will describe how the use of statistics in psychological science is changing as the field undergoes an open-science revolution. They will highlight ways to update your undergraduate statistics course that center an ethical approach to analyzing, interpreting, and reporting data, and will offer engaging examples and activities you can use in your classroom.
Hero Headline
Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.
In this webinar, Dr. Kelly Goedert and Dr. Susan Nolan will describe how the use of statistics in psychological science is changing as the field undergoes an open-science revolution. They will highlight ways to update your undergraduate statistics course that center an ethical approach to analyzing, interpreting, and reporting data, and will offer engaging examples and activities you can use in your classroom.
Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

Susan Nolan
Seton Hall University, Professor
Susan A.
Nolan is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Seton Hall University.
She received her Ph.D.
from Northwestern University.
Susan studies the stigma associated with psychological disorders and the role of gender in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, the latter funded in part by the National Science Foundation.
Her favorite classes to teach are introductory psychology, abnormal psychology, international psychology, and statistics.
Susan is the 2021 President of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP), an Associate Editor of the international journal Psychology Learning and Teaching, and a
Consulting Editor of the American Psychological Association (APA) journal Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology.
She previously served as President of the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA), Chair of the 2012 STP Presidential Task Force on Statistical Literacy, and a representative from APA to the United Nations.
Susan is a Fellow of EPA, APA, and the Association for Psychological Science, and was a 2015-2016 U.S.
Fulbright Scholar in Bosnia and Herzegovina where she researched psychology higher education.

Susan Nolan
Seton Hall University, Professor
Susan A.
Nolan is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Seton Hall University.
She received her Ph.D.
from Northwestern University.
Susan studies the stigma associated with psychological disorders and the role of gender in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, the latter funded in part by the National Science Foundation.
Her favorite classes to teach are introductory psychology, abnormal psychology, international psychology, and statistics.
Susan is the 2021 President of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP), an Associate Editor of the international journal Psychology Learning and Teaching, and a
Consulting Editor of the American Psychological Association (APA) journal Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology.
She previously served as President of the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA), Chair of the 2012 STP Presidential Task Force on Statistical Literacy, and a representative from APA to the United Nations.
Susan is a Fellow of EPA, APA, and the Association for Psychological Science, and was a 2015-2016 U.S.
Fulbright Scholar in Bosnia and Herzegovina where she researched psychology higher education.
Kelly Goedert
Seton Hall University, Professor
Kelly M. Goedert is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Seton Hall University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Virginia. Kelly studies how people acquire contingency information and how they use that information to make causal inferences. She also studies spatial attention and embodied cognition. Her favorite classes to teach are cognitive psychology and statistics.
Kelly previously served as both the cognition program chair and board member of the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA), and is currently serving as a member of the 2021 Society for the Teaching of Psychology Presidential Task Force on Statistical Literacy. She is also a Fellow of the Eastern Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, and Psychonomics.
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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.
Card Headline
Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.
Card Headline
Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

Susan Nolan
Seton Hall University, Professor
Susan A.
Nolan is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Seton Hall University.
She received her Ph.D.
from Northwestern University.
Susan studies the stigma associated with psychological disorders and the role of gender in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, the latter funded in part by the National Science Foundation.
Her favorite classes to teach are introductory psychology, abnormal psychology, international psychology, and statistics.
Susan is the 2021 President of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP), an Associate Editor of the international journal Psychology Learning and Teaching, and a
Consulting Editor of the American Psychological Association (APA) journal Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology.
She previously served as President of the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA), Chair of the 2012 STP Presidential Task Force on Statistical Literacy, and a representative from APA to the United Nations.
Susan is a Fellow of EPA, APA, and the Association for Psychological Science, and was a 2015-2016 U.S.
Fulbright Scholar in Bosnia and Herzegovina where she researched psychology higher education.
Kelly Goedert
Seton Hall University, Professor
Kelly M. Goedert is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Seton Hall University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Virginia. Kelly studies how people acquire contingency information and how they use that information to make causal inferences. She also studies spatial attention and embodied cognition. Her favorite classes to teach are cognitive psychology and statistics.
Kelly previously served as both the cognition program chair and board member of the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA), and is currently serving as a member of the 2021 Society for the Teaching of Psychology Presidential Task Force on Statistical Literacy. She is also a Fellow of the Eastern Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, and Psychonomics.
[Speaker 03 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 03 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]
[Speaker 03 Title/Organization (ie. University of Massachusetts, PhD. Professor)]
[Speaker 03 Body (ie. Short oneline speaker biography)]

Susan Nolan
Seton Hall University, Professor
Susan A.
Nolan is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Seton Hall University.
She received her Ph.D.
from Northwestern University.
Susan studies the stigma associated with psychological disorders and the role of gender in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, the latter funded in part by the National Science Foundation.
Her favorite classes to teach are introductory psychology, abnormal psychology, international psychology, and statistics.
Susan is the 2021 President of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP), an Associate Editor of the international journal Psychology Learning and Teaching, and a
Consulting Editor of the American Psychological Association (APA) journal Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology.
She previously served as President of the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA), Chair of the 2012 STP Presidential Task Force on Statistical Literacy, and a representative from APA to the United Nations.
Susan is a Fellow of EPA, APA, and the Association for Psychological Science, and was a 2015-2016 U.S.
Fulbright Scholar in Bosnia and Herzegovina where she researched psychology higher education.
Kelly Goedert
Seton Hall University, Professor
Kelly M. Goedert is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Seton Hall University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Virginia. Kelly studies how people acquire contingency information and how they use that information to make causal inferences. She also studies spatial attention and embodied cognition. Her favorite classes to teach are cognitive psychology and statistics.
Kelly previously served as both the cognition program chair and board member of the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA), and is currently serving as a member of the 2021 Society for the Teaching of Psychology Presidential Task Force on Statistical Literacy. She is also a Fellow of the Eastern Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, and Psychonomics.
[Speaker 03 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 03 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]
[Speaker 03 Title/Organization (ie. University of Massachusetts, PhD. Professor)]
[Speaker 03 Body (ie. Short oneline speaker biography)]
[Speaker 04 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 04 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]
[Speaker 04 Affiliation (ie. Professor, University of Massachusetts)]
[Speaker 04 Body (ie. Short oneline speaker biography)]
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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.
Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.
Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.
Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.
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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.
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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.
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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.
Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.
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Hero Headline
Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.
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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.
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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.
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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.
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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.
Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.
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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.