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Building a solid foundation for Principles of Economics students

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Building a solid foundation for Principles of Economics students

Supply, demand, and equilibrium are the most fundamental concepts in economics. However, most modern textbooks devote only a single chapter to this. The result is teachers either spend much more time on these topics than the text would indicate or they end up building understanding on a weak foundation. In this webinar, Professor Stevenson will uncover why her co-authored textbook uniquely spends three chapters building an essential foundation to get all students more confident and interested in studying economics.


Betsey Stevenson

Betsey Stevenson

Professor , University of Michigan

Betsey Stevenson is a professor of economics and public policy at the University of Michigan.  She serves on the Executive Committee of the American Economic Association, and is also a research associate with the National Bureau of Economic Research, a fellow of the Institute for Economic Research in Munich, a visiting associate professor of economics at the University of Sydney, and a research Fellow with the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London. She served as a member of the Council of Economic Advisers from 2013 to 2015, where she advised President Obama on social policy, labor market, and trade issues. She also served as the chief economist of the U.S. Department of Labor from 2010 to 2011.