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Mastering the Argument Question: How to Tackle FRQ4 on the AP® U.S. GoPo Exam

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Mastering the Argument Question: How to Tackle FRQ4 on the AP® U.S. GoPo Exam

We invite you to a deep dive into the argument question with AP® U.S. Gov expert Karen Waples. The session aims to empower you to help students construct an analytical claim/thesis, support it with evidence and reasoning, and write a refutation or rebuttal. We will present examples from a previous exam, highlight common pitfalls, and discuss how to help students earn points on the exam.


Karen Waples

Karen Waples

Teacher, Holy Family High School (CO)

Formerly a trial attorney, Karen Waples has taught since 1989 and currently teaches AP® Comparative GoPo and AP® U.S. GoPo. Karen served as a reader, table leader, question leader, and exam leader for AP® Comparative GoPo and as a reader for AP® U.S. GoPo and AP® U.S. History. She is an endorsed College Board® consultant and leads workshops and institutes throughout the country. Karen was the chair of the College Board® Social Science Academic Advisory Committee and was a member of the Curriculum Re-design Committee for AP® U.S. GoPo.