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Taking AI Integration to the Next Level

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Taking AI Integration to the Next Level

Ready to go beyond the basics of AI in the classroom? This advanced session will explore practical strategies for gaining buy-in from reluctant colleagues, integrating AI tools into your syllabus, and managing classroom dynamics with ethical, accessible AI practices. Learn how to support students, streamline tasks, and foster inclusivity while preparing for the future of AI in education.


Ellen Moore

Ellen Moore

Assistant Professor of Chemistry - Teaching, University of Missouri

Dr. Ellen Moore is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Missouri, specializing in teaching honors Organic Chemistry courses and advancing inclusivity and equity in STEM education. At Mizzou, she serves as a committed educator and leader, participating in committees, advising student organizations, and championing active learning methods for large STEM courses.

Jill Bonds

Jill Bonds

English and Education Professor, Coalinga College

Dr. Bonds is an English and Education Professor at Coalinga College, curriculum developer in Education, and Coordinator for Coalinga Puente Program. Dr. Bonds has over twenty years in teaching from secondary, post-secondary, graduate, and doctoral courses. She currently created an ESL Certificate of Achievement and an AAT in Elementary Teacher Education Degree. Bonds is a member of the Learning Labs Higher Education AI Policy and social advocate for social justice, equity-minded grading, AI integration in higher education and authentic assessments. Bonds enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, serving on dissertation committees, and watching her boys play baseball. As a first-generation female college student from a rural area, her research challenges academic norms and discourse. Bonds has published, “First Generation College Students Entering Writing Courses” and author of other academic publications.