Making Labs an Interactive Experience for All

University of Kentucky Chemistry Lab Coordinator April French and her Teaching Assistant Tosin Obisesan talk about how to create an interactive and engaging lab environment for students and teaching assistants.

April and Tosin will share how their program ensures students and TAs come to the lab prepared and fosters an engaging live lab session. We will also discuss how to scale these best practices based on the size of your program and the resources available to you.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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April French

April French

University of Kentucky

April French received her Bachelors in Science in Chemistry, with a minor in Communication from the University of Tulsa in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 2002. She received her PhD. in Chemical Education from the University of Kansas in 2007. Her dissertation work was on informal science education occuring within science museums. She worked as a Assistant Professor in Chemistry at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana, for four years. There she taught General, Organic, Biochemistry for Nursing students, it's laboratory, Organic Chemistry Laboratory, and Physical Sciences, among other courses, both in-person and online. At the University of Kentucky, she is the General Chemistry Laboratory Coordinator.

April French

April French

University of Kentucky

April French received her Bachelors in Science in Chemistry, with a minor in Communication from the University of Tulsa in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 2002. She received her PhD. in Chemical Education from the University of Kansas in 2007. Her dissertation work was on informal science education occuring within science museums. She worked as a Assistant Professor in Chemistry at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana, for four years. There she taught General, Organic, Biochemistry for Nursing students, it's laboratory, Organic Chemistry Laboratory, and Physical Sciences, among other courses, both in-person and online. At the University of Kentucky, she is the General Chemistry Laboratory Coordinator.

Tosin Obisesan

Tosin Obisesan

University of Kentucky

[Speaker 02 Body (ie. Short oneline speaker biography)]

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

April French

April French

University of Kentucky

April French received her Bachelors in Science in Chemistry, with a minor in Communication from the University of Tulsa in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 2002. She received her PhD. in Chemical Education from the University of Kansas in 2007. Her dissertation work was on informal science education occuring within science museums. She worked as a Assistant Professor in Chemistry at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana, for four years. There she taught General, Organic, Biochemistry for Nursing students, it's laboratory, Organic Chemistry Laboratory, and Physical Sciences, among other courses, both in-person and online. At the University of Kentucky, she is the General Chemistry Laboratory Coordinator.

Tosin Obisesan

Tosin Obisesan

University of Kentucky

[Speaker 02 Body (ie. Short oneline speaker biography)]

[Speaker 03 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 03 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 03 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 03 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 03 Title/Organization (ie. University of Massachusetts, PhD. Professor)]

[Speaker 03 Body (ie. Short oneline speaker biography)]

April French

April French

University of Kentucky

April French received her Bachelors in Science in Chemistry, with a minor in Communication from the University of Tulsa in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 2002. She received her PhD. in Chemical Education from the University of Kansas in 2007. Her dissertation work was on informal science education occuring within science museums. She worked as a Assistant Professor in Chemistry at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana, for four years. There she taught General, Organic, Biochemistry for Nursing students, it's laboratory, Organic Chemistry Laboratory, and Physical Sciences, among other courses, both in-person and online. At the University of Kentucky, she is the General Chemistry Laboratory Coordinator.

Tosin Obisesan

Tosin Obisesan

University of Kentucky

[Speaker 02 Body (ie. Short oneline speaker biography)]

[Speaker 03 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 03 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 03 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 03 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 03 Title/Organization (ie. University of Massachusetts, PhD. Professor)]

[Speaker 03 Body (ie. Short oneline speaker biography)]

[Speaker 04 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 04 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 04 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 04 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 04 Affiliation (ie. Professor, University of Massachusetts)]

[Speaker 04 Body (ie. Short oneline speaker biography)]

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

April French
April French

University of Kentucky

April French received her Bachelors in Science in Chemistry, with a minor in Communication from the University of Tulsa in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 2002. She received her PhD. in Chemical Education from the University of Kansas in 2007. Her dissertation work was on informal science education occuring within science museums. She worked as a Assistant Professor in Chemistry at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana, for four years. There she taught General, Organic, Biochemistry for Nursing students, it's laboratory, Organic Chemistry Laboratory, and Physical Sciences, among other courses, both in-person and online. At the University of Kentucky, she is the General Chemistry Laboratory Coordinator.

Tosin Obisesan
Tosin Obisesan

University of Kentucky

[Brief Speaker 02 Biography/Promo line (ie. Vance Gray is dean of social sciences at Atlanta Metropolitan State College (University System of Georgia) and instructor of political science at Spelman College and directs the First Year Experience P...)]

[Speaker 03 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 03 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]
[Speaker 03 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 03 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 03 Title/Organization (ie. University of Massachusetts, PhD. Professor)]

[Brief Speaker 03 Biography/Promo line (ie. Vance Gray is dean of social sciences at Atlanta Metropolitan State College (University System of Georgia) and instructor of political science at Spelman College and directs the First Year Experience P...)]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.

Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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