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Back to School with Achieve!

Tuesday, August 8 at 9am PT

This is a free event, but seats may be limited.

Back to School with Achieve!

Join us for our annual kick-off meet up, "Back to School with Achieve"! In this webinar, instructors get a basic tour of Achieve, then a showcase of new features in Achieve with our Senior Digital Support Specialist Travis Long.

Next, two of our Macmillan Learning Advocate professors will discuss how they use Achieve in their unique classrooms. We’ll be joined by Dr. Christin Monroe for a discussion of how she uses Achieve to accommodate her students. Next, Jennifer Duncan, will discuss using Achieve’s writing tools with draft goals to set up scaffolded assignments.

The webinar will end with Q&A, so come ready with your questions and to see the latest and greatest of what Achieve has to offer you and your students this new academic year!


Dr. Christin Monroe

Dr. Christin Monroe

Chemistry Professor, Landmark College

Dr. Christin Monroe manages a current S-STEM project for the Life Science and Computer Science program, and serves as a mentor for undergraduates for both science education and chemistry projects At Landmark College. Dr. Monroe is an active member of the American Chemical Society, currently serving as the secretary to the Green Mountain local section and has delivered over ten presentations related to student learning and STEM outreach. She has an extensive background working with historically underrepresented groups in STEM fields including low-income, first generation and neurodiverse students. 

Jennifer Duncan

Jennifer Duncan

Associate Professor of English, Perimeter College at Georgia State University

Prior to her current position, Ms. Jennifer Duncan was part of the English faculty at Chattanooga State Community College in Tennessee. Jennifer is particularly interested in creating authentic and valuable writing experiences that engage online students. She holds degrees from Emmanuel College and The University of South Carolina in addition to studying at The University of Tennessee. 

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