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Fighting Fire with Fire: Navigating Student AI Use with AI-Enriched Assignments and Assessments

Friday, February 16 at 12pm ET

This is a free event, but seats may be limited.

Fighting Fire with Fire: Navigating Student AI Use with AI-Enriched Assignments and Assessments

In this informative and hands-on virtual workshop, instructors will develop three pedagogical strategies for using generative AI to tackle three of the most pressing concerns that have arisen due to the wide availability of generative AI software: directing and encouraging responsible student use to meet specific learning outcomes; constructing and evaluating assignments that intelligently incorporate generative AI, and assessing student knowledge in the age of gen AI. Led by experienced  educators, you will have the opportunity to learn from peers and practice developing class activities that help you use artificial intelligence to not only mitigate cheating, but also foster deeper student learning and engagement.  Register now and join the AI-powered educational journey!

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Solina Lindahl

Solina Lindahl

Senior Lecturer for Economics, California Polytechnic State University

Solina Lindahl has been an educator for more than 20 years. She began using iClicker in 2004, and has since helped countless educators learn how to make the most of digital learning tools through presentations, interviews, and more. Solina holds a bachelor's from Cal Poly State University, SLO and a master's from Colorado State University.

Scott Cohn

Scott Cohn

Associate Professor of Psychology, Dakota State University

Dr. Scott Cohn is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Western Colorado University in Gunnison, CO. Teaching primarily in person, Dr. Cohn's migration to online assessment over the past decade has been motivated by the desire to spend more time in class teaching rather than assessing. In the past two years, Dr. Cohn has led several conference workshops and presentations on the development of highly-accurate assessment items that objectively measure Psychology's skills-based curriculum. Currently Dr. Cohn is the Program Assessment Lead for Scientific American: Psychology, where he assists the authors in their development of an assessment program that is accessible to both students and faculty.