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Beginning with the End in Mind: Evidence-based Course Design Practices to Improve Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes

Thursday, October 10 at 2:00 PM ET 

This is a free event, but seats may be limited.

Beginning with the End in Mind: Evidence-based Course Design Practices to Improve Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes

Student engagement is key to successful learning and classroom experiences. However it can sometimes be difficult to come by and can lead to frustrated students and instructors alike. If you have ever had students come to class unprepared, be disinterested in participating in class, or failing to complete assignments out of class, then this webinar is for you!


Transform your students’ learning  experiences and ignite student engagement through intentionally structured course design! Join this insightful webinar featuring Justin Shaffer from the Colorado School of Mines, to learn how incorporating backward design principles and intentional assessments can increase student engagement, retention, and success. Discover proven strategies to implement clear, organized, and supportive course frameworks that benefit all learners. This session will provide you with practical, evidence-based course design principles to enhance student outcomes by creating more impactful learning experiences before, during, and after class meetings. 


Register now and take the first step towards transforming your class into one that fosters students’ sense of belonging and engagement.


Justin Shaffer

Justin Shaffer

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies in Chemical and Biological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines

Dr. Justin Shaffer teaches undergraduate introductory biology, anatomy and physiology, introductory thermodynamics, and material and energy balances using evidence-based teaching practices in a high structure course design. His educational research program focuses on assessing the efficacy of high structure teaching practices in college-level biology and chemical engineering courses. He is the founder of Recombinant Education.