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AI and Economics Education

Wednesday, March 5 at 1:00 PM ET

This is a free event, but seats may be limited.

AI and Economics Education

As we enter the third year of AI’s transformative impact, higher education continues to evolve in response to both the challenges and opportunities this technology presents. Justin Wolfers has been at the forefront of both examining and implementing AI in academia. He and Joshua Hill will present both the landscape of AI in higher education and examine how AI is revolutionizing economics education by enhancing student learning and easing educators' workloads. They will discuss AI tools like personalized tutoring and ability to communicate in multiple languages that can boost student outcomes while allowing teachers to focus on core economic principles. 


Justin Wolfers

Justin Wolfers

Professor, University of Michigan

Justin Wolfers is a renowned economist and a professor at the University of Michigan, where he specializes in labor economics, economic policy, and behavioral economics. He is known for his work on the intersection of economics and technology, with a particular focus on the role of AI in education. Wolfers has contributed extensively to both academic research and public discourse, frequently appearing in media outlets to provide expert analysis on economic issues. His innovative approach to integrating AI into economics education has positioned him as a leader in the field, advocating for technologies that enhance learning and teaching.

Joshua Hill

Joshua Hill

Senior Product Manager of Data Science & AI Strategy, Macmillan Learning

Joshua is a PhD economist with several years of teaching experience in principles of economics. He’s been instrumental in developing the AI Tutor within Achieve and has been guiding Macmillan’s vision for using AI as a positive force in higher education.