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Energize Your Meetings and Events: Turn Spectators into Collaborators

Tuesday, September 24 at 12:00 PM ET

This is a free event, but seats may be limited.

Energize Your Meetings and Events: Turn Spectators into Collaborators

Turn passive audiences into dynamic collaborators with “Energize Your Events: From Spectators to Collaborators.” This webinar will provide you with groundbreaking strategies and practical strategies to make your events interactive, engaging, and memorable for every participant.


A master at capturing and engaging audiences, this quality educator has spent years connecting with students and administrators alike. Led by Justin Shaffer, this session will explore...


  • Igniting Engagement: Captivate your audience from the start with powerful icebreakers designed to set a collaborative tone.

  • Unlocking Collective Genius: Use attendee feedback to turn your event into a vibrant exchange of ideas and innovation.

  • Foster Dynamic Participation: Go beyond standard presentations to create an experience where everyone feels involved and valued.

  • Streamline Feedback Collection: Easily collect and analyze feedback to keep improving and make every event even better.


Secure your spot today to start creating impactful and collaborative event experiences.


Justin Shaffer

Justin Shaffer

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies in Chemical and Biological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines

Dr. Justin Shaffer excels in captivating audiences through dynamic public speaking and engaging teaching methods. With a knack for transforming traditional presentations into interactive experiences, he uses innovative techniques to actively involve his audience. As the founder of Recombinant Education, Dr. Shaffer is dedicated to revolutionizing how people connect and engage in educational and professional settings.