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Professional Development Series


From Learning to Earning: Bridging Education and Career Readiness

Thursday, December 14 @ 1PM CT

with Jill Dahlman, California Northstate University & Heather Wilson-Ashworth , Utah Valley University

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From Learning to Earning: Bridging Education and Career Readiness

Thursday, December 14, 11am PT

Join us for a discussion on how to equip your students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in both academic and professional realms. You’ll hear from two of our peer consultants who deliberately craft their courses so students experience real-world work scenarios with real-world impact. Learn how they integrate hands-on experiences and practical knowledge into their curriculum, providing students with experiences that prepare them for both academic success and a strong transition into the workforce.

Jill Dahlman's two grey kittens

Jill Dahlman

Assistant Professor of Writing & Rhetoric, California Northstate University

Jill Dahlman, PhD, is a composition specialist whose primary area of research is in student self-efficacy in the first-year composition classroom. She has interests in the pedagogies of composition and service-learning and rhetoric of the Cold War era, including protest songs, comic books, and Star Trek.

Heather Wilson-Ashworth Headshot

Heather Wilson-Ashworth

Professor of Biology, Utah Valley University

Heather Wilson-Ashworth, PhD, is a professor of biology at Utah Valley University. Her research interests include the development and assessment of process skills in active learning classrooms, effective mentoring strategies in undergraduate research, and process skills assessment tool development. She had won multiple awards for her teaching and teaches General Biology, College Biology, Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology and Human Physiology.