NCTM 2023
Considered the “Superbowl event of the year,” NCTM Annual Meetings bring together thousands of mathematics educators from all over the world to collaborate, network, learn, inspire, and much more. With over hundreds of education sessions to choose from and attend, you can always expect to walk away with more knowledge and inspiration to implement into your classrooms.
October 25 - 28,
Washington, DC

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BFW Publishers' Exhibitor Sessions
As the leading AP® publisher, BFW is honored to be an exhibitor at the NCTM conference. At NCTM we offer distinguished and informative exhibitor sessions that are focused on AP® Statistics, On-Level Statistics, and AP® Calculus. Renowned authors and expert educators from BFW will be presenting unique insights and useful content in thier one-of-a-kind sessions. We encourage all teacher's to attend, even if you aren't a BFW user. Additionaly, see some key non-exhibitor sessions presented by our authors.
Promoting Success in AP® Statistics with TPS 7e
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 158AB
Come learn from expert AP® educators Daren Starnes and Josh Tabor! They’re excited to show you all the amazing new updates and features in the upcoming 7th edition of The Practice of Statistics. Plus, they’ll share some helpful tips on using the program effectively. Don’t worry if you’re not already using TPS–this session is still packed with valuable insights for all AP® Statistics educators.
October 26, 2023
11:00 AM
Conceptualize it! With Calculus for the AP® Course 4e
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 143C
Join expert AP® Calculus educator and co-author of the Teacher’s Edition for Calculus for the AP® Course 4th edition, Karen Hyers, for an informative session about teaching important skills for AP® Calculus. The session will showcase student and teacher materials from the Sullivan and Miranda, Calculus for the AP® Course 4e program that provide a hands-on approach to the topic - helping students to “Conceptualize it!” Recommended for all AP® Calculus teachers, regardless of textbook in use
October 26, 2023
1:00 PM
AP® Calculus Panel Symposium
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 143C
A panel led by Stephanie Ogden from the College Board and Chief Reader Julie Clark that will discuss and answer questions about the 2023 exam reading as well as other important topics concerning AP® Calculus. A Q&A session will follow. Recommended for all AP® Calculus educators and administrators. This session is sponsored by BFW Publishers.
AP® Calculus Panel Symposium
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 143C
A panel led by Stephanie Ogden from the College Board and Chief Reader Julie Clark that will discuss and answer questions about the 2023 exam reading as well as other important topics concerning AP® Calculus. A Q&A session will follow. Recommended for all AP® Calculus educators and administrators. This session is sponsored by BFW Publishers.
October 26, 2023
4:00 PM
Using Dynamic Applets to Develop Statistical Thinking
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 140AB
This non-exhibitor session is presented by renowned Statistics Educators and BFW Authors Daren Starnes and Josh Tabor. We encourage you to attend. Please see the NCTM program for more details.
Using Dynamic Applets to Develop Statistical Thinking
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 140AB
This non-exhibitor session is presented by renowned Statistics Educators and BFW Authors Daren Starnes and Josh Tabor. We encourage you to attend. Please see the NCTM program for more details.
October 26, 2023
8:00 AM
Group Activities to Get Students Talking in AP® Calculus: Instructional Approaches from the CED
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 209ABC
This non-exhibitor session is presented by Karen Hyers Co-Author of Teacher’s Edition Calculus For the AP® Course, 4e. We encourage you to attend. Please see the NCTM program for more details.
Group Activities to Get Students Talking in AP® Calculus: Instructional Approaches from the CED
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 209ABC
This non-exhibitor session is presented by Karen Hyers Co-Author of Teacher’s Edition Calculus For the AP® Course, 4e. We encourage you to attend. Please see the NCTM program for more details.
October 27, 2023
Blocking, Matched Pairs, and the AP® Statistics Exam
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 146B
In this session, we will do an activity that introduces the concept of blocking in an experiment and illustrates the benefits of using a blocked design. Then we will look at question 2 on the 2022 AP® Statistics Exam and discuss common student errors—and how a better understanding of blocking could have helped students avoid them.
Blocking, Matched Pairs, and the AP® Statistics Exam
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 146B
In this session, we will do an activity that introduces the concept of blocking in an experiment and illustrates the benefits of using a blocked design. Then we will look at question 2 on the 2022 AP® Statistics Exam and discuss common student errors—and how a better understanding of blocking could have helped students avoid them.
October 27, 2023
11:00 AM
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ACHIEVE for Math & Science
Introducing Achieve: the ultimate online learning tool for High School students taking math and science courses, including AP®. After years of development, we've created a platform that houses all the resources you need — assessments, e-books, and teacher support. With Achieve, teachers and students are supported every step of the way, from pre-class prep to in-class engagement and post-class study. Paired with exceptional STEM content, Achieve offers an unmatched learning experience.