Covering All the Bases: Building a Course Schedule for a Co-Requisite Writing Class

There is such a great deal that needs to be covered in a co-requisite writing class: all the material covered in a traditional first-year composition class, of course, but also, the material usually covered in a development writing course plus integrated reading. And then, the non-cognitive issues that derail so many students need to be addressed. In this presentation, Peter will suggest a strategy for building all this into a co-requisite course and will present several examples of successful course schedules.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Peter Adams

Peter Adams

Community College of Baltimore

[Full Speaker 01 Biography (ie.Vance Gray is dean of social sciences at Atlanta Metropolitan State College (University System of Georgia) and instructor of political science at Spelman College....)]

Peter Adams

Peter Adams

Community College of Baltimore

[Full Speaker 01 Biography (ie.Vance Gray is dean of social sciences at Atlanta Metropolitan State College (University System of Georgia) and instructor of political science at Spelman College....)]

[Speaker 02 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 02 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 02 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 02 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 02 Title/Organization (ie. University of Massachusetts, PhD. Professor)]

[Speaker 02 Body (ie. Short oneline speaker biography)]

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

Peter Adams

Peter Adams

Community College of Baltimore

[Full Speaker 01 Biography (ie.Vance Gray is dean of social sciences at Atlanta Metropolitan State College (University System of Georgia) and instructor of political science at Spelman College....)]

[Speaker 02 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 02 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 02 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 02 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 02 Title/Organization (ie. University of Massachusetts, PhD. Professor)]

[Speaker 02 Body (ie. Short oneline speaker biography)]

[Speaker 03 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 03 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 03 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 03 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 03 Title/Organization (ie. University of Massachusetts, PhD. Professor)]

[Speaker 03 Body (ie. Short oneline speaker biography)]

Peter Adams

Peter Adams

Community College of Baltimore

[Full Speaker 01 Biography (ie.Vance Gray is dean of social sciences at Atlanta Metropolitan State College (University System of Georgia) and instructor of political science at Spelman College....)]

[Speaker 02 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 02 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 02 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 02 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 02 Title/Organization (ie. University of Massachusetts, PhD. Professor)]

[Speaker 02 Body (ie. Short oneline speaker biography)]

[Speaker 03 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 03 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 03 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 03 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 03 Title/Organization (ie. University of Massachusetts, PhD. Professor)]

[Speaker 03 Body (ie. Short oneline speaker biography)]

[Speaker 04 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 04 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 04 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 04 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 04 Affiliation (ie. Professor, University of Massachusetts)]

[Speaker 04 Body (ie. Short oneline speaker biography)]

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

Peter Adams
Peter Adams

Community College of Baltimore

[Brief Speaker 01 Biography/Promo line (ie. Vance Gray is dean of social sciences at Atlanta Metropolitan State College (University System of Georgia) and instructor of political science at Spelman College and directs the First Year Experience...)]

[Speaker 02 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 02 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]
[Speaker 02 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 02 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 02 Title/Organization (ie. University of Massachusetts, PhD. Professor)]

[Brief Speaker 02 Biography/Promo line (ie. Vance Gray is dean of social sciences at Atlanta Metropolitan State College (University System of Georgia) and instructor of political science at Spelman College and directs the First Year Experience P...)]

[Speaker 03 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 03 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]
[Speaker 03 First Name (ie. Nicole)] [Speaker 03 Last Name (ie. Gibbs)]

[Speaker 03 Title/Organization (ie. University of Massachusetts, PhD. Professor)]

[Brief Speaker 03 Biography/Promo line (ie. Vance Gray is dean of social sciences at Atlanta Metropolitan State College (University System of Georgia) and instructor of political science at Spelman College and directs the First Year Experience P...)]

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

Corequisite Courses in Achieve

Achieve - our fully mobile, accessible, and flexible online learning system - now supports corequisite writing courses from within your Achieve course, or your LMS.

Recipes for Engaged Learning

Mix up something new in your classroom with our collection of writing activity ‘recipes’ based on activities in Achieve.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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Cras vel libero blandit, feugiat mauris ac, scelerisque nunc. Etiam varius ultricies leo, non pellentesque quam placerat eget. Sed pretium sem non ante.

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