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How WE Achieve: Using Goal Setting and Reflection Surveys to Create Closer Connections with Students

Monday, November 7 at 12pm ET

In this webinar, Dr. Mollie Anderson will share how she uses the Goal Setting and Reflection Surveys in Achieve. These surveys not only boost student metacognitive and study skills, they also provide instructors deep insight into student demographics and needs--in their own words. Mollie describes how she uses this data to empathize with her students, tailor her teaching to suit the unique makeup of each class, and even intervene with individual students when they need her help the most. You'll come away from this webinar with ideas for how you can use Goal Setting and Reflection surveys in your own class to create closer connections with students than ever. 


Mollie Anderson

Mollie Anderson

Instructor, Department of Psychology, University of Memphis

Mollie B. Anderson is an Instructor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Memphis (UofM) who refers to herself as “Dr. Mollie” in order to honor her family’s sacrifices as well as to honor the many women in academia who came before her who paved the way for her to be able to earn her doctorate. Dr. Mollie earned her BA in Sports Medicine at Pepperdine University and her MSGP and PhD in Experimental Psychology at The University of Memphis. Since 2016, Dr. Mollie has been teaching full time at the UofM where she was hired: to coordinate and teach the General Psychology Auditorium courses; to direct the undergraduate Psychology Internship Program and teach its professional development course; and to instruct the Human Sexuality course. Dr. Mollie has received accolades for her teaching including both Departmental (the Dr. Craig M. Brown Experimental Program Director’s Award, the UofM Graduate Assistant Meritorious Teaching Award, and the Graduate Student Coordinating Committee’s Faculty Appreciation Award) and University-wide teaching awards (the W. Russell and Audrey E. Nesossi-Smith Award for Teaching Excellence, the Alumni Association Distinguished Teaching Award, and the Top 50 Teachers in Lower Division Courses at UofM).