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Using Digital Tools to Encourage Human Connection

Monday, February 20 at 12pm ET

With online homework, hybrid classrooms, and virtual lessons it can be a challenge to feel connected to your students. But technology doesn't have to divide you! Join this webinar to hear how our panel of faculty advocates use digital tools to feel closer to their students than ever.


Suzanne McCormack

Suzanne McCormack

Associate Professor, History, Community College of Rhode Island

Suzanne K. McCormack is a professor of history in the Department of Social Sciences at the Community College of Rhode Island where she teaches the US history survey, US women’s history, and Black history. She serves as a member of the college’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Council and is always on the lookout for interesting people and perspectives to share with her students. Suzanne received her BA from Wheaton College (Massachusetts), and her MA and PhD from Boston College. She is currently at work on a study of the treatment of women with mental illness in late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Suzanne writes a history blog for Macmillan Community and serves as a faculty consultant.

Justin Shaffer

Justin Shaffer

Associate Professor, Colorado School of Mines

Dr. Justin Shaffer is an Associate Teaching Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering and in Quantitative Biosciences and Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. He has been a STEM faculty member for 10+ years and teaches introductory biology, anatomy and physiology, introductory thermodynamics and other chemical engineering courses. Dr. Shaffer studies and publishes on the impacts of course structure on student performance and attitudes, especially with regards to student success in first-year STEM courses. He is the founder of Recombinant Education.

Check out these articles on ChatGPT answering exam questions and ChatGPT teaching class written by Justin Shaffer.