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Back to School with iClicker

Thursday, August 10 at 9am PT

Join us for our annual kick off meet up, "Back to School with iClicker"! In this webinar, instructors will get a basic tour of iClicker, then a tour of new features with Customer Support Specialist, Natalie Dougall.

This will be followed by a discussion of best practices with iClicker, led by two of our Macmillan Learning advocate professors. We’ll hear from Justin Shaffer who will discuss best practices for writing “modern” iClicker questions, then Jennifer Ripley Stueckle for a discussion of how she manages the nuts-and-bolts of running iClicker in a 200+ student classroom.

The webinar will end with a Q&A, so come ready to see the latest and greatest of what iClicker has to offer you and your students this new academic year.



Dr. Justin Shaffer

Dr. Justin Shaffer

Teaching Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering., Colorado School of Mines

Dr. Justin Shaffer, is a professor of chemistry at Colorado School of Mines. He teachs undergraduate introductory biology, anatomy and physiology, introductory thermodynamics, and material and energy balances using evidence-based teaching practices in a high structure course design (high structure courses involve pre-class assignments, in-class active learning, weekly review assignments, and multiple cumulative exams). His educational research program focuses on assessing the efficacy of high structure teaching practices in college-level biology and chemical engineering courses. He is the founder of Recombinant Education.

Jennifer Ripley Stueckle

Jennifer Ripley Stueckle

Teaching Professor of Biology, West Virginia University

Dr. Jennifer Ripley Stueckle is a Teaching Professor of Biology at West Virginia University. Dr. Stueckle's research primarily focuses on the reproductive physiology of fishes and the influence of environmental factors, particularly endocrine disruptors, on parental investment, embryonic development and behavior. She prefers to integrate techniques from several fields including, but not limited to, field observations and collections, molecular and cellular biology, physiology, and behavior.

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