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The Importance of Truth, Honesty, and Pedagogy in an AI World

Tuesday, October 17 at 12:30 PM ET

Learning is a human experience. But what does that mean in an AI world? Join educational technology leaders--Macmillan Learning CEO, Susan Winslow, and Packback CEO, Kelsey Behringer--for a frank and open conversation about AI.

In this webinar, moderated by Inside Higher Ed Contributing Editor and Creative Writing Instructor, Rachel Toor, you will explore the quickly evolving landscape of generative AI and discover how to responsibly integrate AI while maintaining academic honesty. Learn how students can master the art of fact-checking AI outputs, ensuring academic integrity, and using AI to facilitate understanding.

Don't miss this opportunity to uncover a compelling narrative of pedagogical innovation, where academic honesty thrives, and engagement soars.


Kelsey Behringer

Kelsey Behringer

Chief Executive Officer, Packback

Kelsey Behringer has trained over 10,000 educators around the intersection of AI and pedagogy, helping implement best practices that advance student voice, agency, and purpose. She is the CEO of the education technology organization Packback, which is an “AI writing tutor for every student and an AI grading assistant for every teacher”. 

Susan Winslow

Susan Winslow

Chief Executive Officer, Macmillan Learning

Susan Winslow has more than 30 years of educational publishing and technology experience. Under her leadership, Macmillan Learning developed, tested and launched its new digital learning platform Achieve. During her time in publishing, Susan has collaborated and worked with experts across the disciplines from sciences, to social sciences, and the humanities.

Rachel Toor

Rachel Toor

Inside Higher Ed Contributing Editor and Professor of Creative Writing, Eastern Washington University

Rachel Toor, professor of creative writing at Eastern Washington University, is the author of six books of nonfiction, including Write Your Way In: Crafting an Unforgettable Admissions Essay (2017). Her next book, Why You, Why Me, Why Now: The Mindset and Moves to Land That First Job, from Networking to Cover Letters, Resumes, and Interviews, will be published by the University of Chicago Press in early 2024.