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Developing a Growth Mindset to Build Confidence in Composition

Tuesday, January 23 at 1:00 PM ET

Join Dr. Wendy Hinshaw as she discusses strategies for helping students succeed in their composition courses.  This webinar is designed for anyone new to Achieve, and will introduce instructors to easy features and small additions they can make to their courses that can make a big impact on student learning. Goal-setting and reflection surveys guide students in developing a growth mindset in composition, enabling them to set learning and achievement goals, chart their progress, and reflect on what’s helping them and what’s standing in their way. This process also helps build students’ confidence about what they know as well as their agency in their own learning. 


Wendy Hinshaw

Wendy Hinshaw

Director of Writing Programs/Associate Professor, Department of English, Florida Atlantic University

Wendy Wolters Hinshaw received her Ph.D. from The Ohio State University.  She teaches courses in rhetoric, literacy, women's literature and prison writing, as well as a service-learning course in writing for nonprofits.  Her articles on the rhetoric of trauma, teaching testimonial literature, and pedagogical approaches to student resistance have appeared in the journals JAC and Transformations. Her work on representations of trauma and lynching received the Elizabeth Flynn Award from the journal JAC. Professor Hinshaw's current research examines art and writing by prisoners.

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