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Request Guide

A Guide to the Courseware Selection Process

A Comprehensive Resource for Understanding, Evaluating, and Selecting Courseware

This guide to the courseware selection process is intended to equip educators and administrators with information and resources to understand, evaluate, and choose a courseware platform. Inside you will find a definition of courseware, a summary of the different types of courseware, an explanation of features, courseware evaluation tools, and more. This guide provides a detailed comparison of Achieve and Top Hat and a handy rubric that you can use or modify for your own selection process.

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Feature differences between Top Hat and Achieve

At first glance, it can be difficult to discern key differences between courseware solutions. Various courseware platforms appear to have similar offerings but have differentiators that, depending on what matters most to you as an educator, can have a significant impact on your course and your students’ success. Our full guide provides a comprehensive breakdown between Macmillan Learning’s courseware, Achieve, and Top Hat.


Content differences between Top Hat and Achieve

Content quality is a core principle at Macmillan Learning, which is reflected through close partnerships with well-reputed authors. What sets Achieve’s content apart from competitors, like Top Hat, is the rigorous editorial development and review standards invested in authors to ensure the most high-quality and reliable content are developed for you and your students.


Pedagogical differences between Top Hat and Achieve

Both Achieve and Top Hat have partnerships with pedagogical experts, but that is not always enough. Macmillan Learning is guided by research and science, and Achieve is committed to creating solutions and features to support the most effective pedagogical practices.


User experience differences between Top Hat and Achieve

Achieve and Top Hat each has several tools that aim to address the same teaching and learning needs. But how those tools are developed, designed, and meant to interact with one another varies greatly. Through co-design with educators and learners, Achieve was developed and is continuously being improved to create a seamless, intuitive platform.



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Benefits & Features

Achieve is a fully mobile, accessible, flexible, modular system to help you deploy and manage all your pre-class, in-class, and post-class curriculum in one place (and integrate it with your LMS if preferred), while gathering insights from it all in a simple and powerful interface.

Achieve also includes:

Interactive e-Book
Pre-built and Customizable Assessments
Vetted and Tested In-Class Activities
Reports & Insights
Full Gradebook
Integration Options for iClicker and Your Campus LMS
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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

How Likely Would You Be to Recommend Achieve to a Colleague?

82% of students reported actively learning in their course this semester

88% of students* reported that Achieve activities were engaging

3.26 out of 4 instructors strongly agree that Achieve can enhance learning in this course.


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Integer dapibus magna ex, ut egestas nisi elementum quis. Nullam non lacus faucibus, mollis arcu vel, finibus risus.

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