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Meeting Students Where They Are: Using Technology to Make Learning Accessible and Engaging

Monday, December 5 at 12pm ET

It's frustrating that education—particularly science education—can be incredibly painful and disengaging for so many learners. Tyler DeWitt, creator of one of the most popular instructional channels on YouTube and video author of Macmillan's Interactive General Chemistry, is a fervent believer that new technologies and digital content, meticulously built and thoughtfully deployed, are our best bets for creating accessible educational experiences that scale. This webinar will focus on how we can use technology to make education more engaging and accessible, which allows us to connect with students wherever their learning is happening.


Tyler DeWitt

Tyler DeWitt

Educational Technology Innovator, Macmillan Learning Author

I work at the intersection of Science, Education, and Technology. I'm passionate about using new technologies to create teaching and learning experiences that make education more accessible and more engaging. Instructional video, virtual reality, and old-fashioned textbooks are my favorite tools.

Check out this short video on Goal-setting and Reflection Surveys in Achieve.

Goal-setting and Reflection Surveys in Achieve Work