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Back to Campus: iClicker Spring 2023

Thursday, January 12 at 2pm ET

It's almost time to bring your students back to campus! iClicker makes it easy to create a welcoming, interactive classroom. This webinar is for iClicker users, old and new, who want to know what's new with iClicker and get a tour of features like updated quizzing functionality and our new Groups feature. We’ll also discuss ways you can use iClicker in your classroom, whether it’s a traditional brick-and-mortar classroom or a hybrid approach.


Natalie Dougall

Natalie Dougall

Customer Marketing Specialist, Macmillan Learning

Natalie Dougall is a faculty advocate and training specialist at Macmillan Learning.

Amanda Norbutus

Amanda Norbutus

Professor of Chemistry, Valencia College, Macmillan Learning

Dr. Amanda Norbutus is a Professor of Chemistry at Valencia College in Orlando, Florida. Her method of teaching emphasizes the interrelationship between chemistry and everyday life, with a focus on sustainability and art.