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AI-Powered Strategies to ACHIEVE Writing Proficiency

Wednesday, October 11 at 1:00PM ET

Instead of fearing or forbidding AI in our classrooms, what happens when we invite the robots to have a seat at the table?

In this session, we will develop writing assignments in Achieve that require students to use AI to increase their access to the "hidden curriculum," to stretch their creativity, evaluate other writing, and scaffold their own writing skills using a tool that we can no longer ignore.


Jennifer Duncan

Jennifer Duncan

Associate Professor, English Georgia State University-Perimeter College

Jennifer Duncan has been teaching English for twenty years, first at Chattanooga State Community College in Tennessee and now at Georgia State University’s Perimeter College in Atlanta, GA where she is Assistant Professor of English.  For the last ten years, she has focused exclusively on online teaching, concentrating on creating meaningful learning opportunities in composition and literature courses.