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Building an AI Community Webinar Series

Access the recordings and/or resources from all of the Webinars we've hosted so far in this series. More recordings and/or resources will be added in the future.

When the Horse is out of the Barn: Educators Embracing AI Enhanced Learning

with Marissa Dahari, M.Sc, University of Guelph, and Erika Martinez, Ph.D, University of South Florida

AI has arrived in practically every classroom, galloping through years of carefully created lesson plans and assignments. Join us to hear from instructors who have faced AI, challenging the way they assess their students, and are changing the way they teach in real-time. We'll have a panel of special guests ready to discuss the impact AI is having on their students and how they are incorporating AI into their students' learning processes.

The Importance of Truth, Honesty, and Pedagogy in a Post-AI World

with Kelsey Behringer, Packback, and Susan Winslow, Macmillan Learning

Learning is a human experience. But what does that mean in a Post-AI world? While you’ve likely heard about the many instructor concerns with AI: plagiarism, cheating. inequitable access and shallow learning chief among them, you may not have heard as much about the opportunities to use the tech as a tool.

Join educational technology leaders Macmillan Learning CEO Susan Winslow and Packback CEO Kelsey Behringer in a frank and open conversation about AI. Moderated by Inside Higher Ed Contributing Editor and Creative Writing Instructor Rachel Toor, the trio will explore the quickly evolving landscape of Generative AI and what instructors can do to help students navigate their learning in a way that responsibly integrates AI while maintaining academic honesty. And, importantly, how the creation of GenAI has placed a greater emphasis on the process of learning and how students arrive at their conclusions.

In practical terms, you’ll discover how students can master the art of fact-checking AI outputs, ensuring academic integrity and using the tech to facilitate understanding. Uncover a compelling narrative of pedagogical innovation, where academic honesty thrives, and engagement soars. Plus, gain valuable insights and tools for educators to guide students effectively through this AI-driven educational journey.

When AI Is a Liar and a Cheat: Re-Imagining Authentic Assessment in the Age of Open AI

with Camilla Roberts, Director of the Honor and Integrity System, Kansas State University; Jim Morris, Professor of Biology, Brandeis University; Jaclyn Wiggins-Camacho, Director of Product for Assessments, Macmillan Learning

The impact of generative AI on how and when we assess our students was covered during this webinar. Our panelists delved into the conversation of what it means to assess learning and knowledge when students have more cheating tools at their fingertips than ever before. In this session, we covered insights into the future of assessments in an increasingly AI-focused world, heard from educators who are figuring it all out in real-time, and discovered practical strategies to ensure authentic assessment.

In the Driver’s Seat: Preparing Students for AI-Enhanced Workplaces

with Lisa Blue, Instructional Specialist, STEM-H Teaching & Learning, Eastern Kentucky University; Tim Klein, Co-Founder of How to Navigate Life and author of How To Navigate Life: The New Science of Finding Your Way In School, Career & Life, Medford High School; and Vaughn Scribner, Associate Professor of History, University of Central Arkansas

Buckle up for our upcoming webinar, "In the Driver's Seat: Preparing Students for AI-Enhanced Workplaces," featuring a panel of educators and experts considering how the age of AI will impact work and the ways in which we prepare students for it. Join us for an insightful discussion about the evolving landscape of AI and its profound impact on student readiness for the workforce.

Fighting Fire with Fire: Navigating Student AI Use with AI-Enriched Assignments and Assessments

with Solina Lindahl, Senior Lecturer for Economics, California Polytechnic State University; and Scott Cohn, Associate Professor of Psychology, Dakota State University

In this informative and hands-on virtual workshop, instructors will develop three pedagogical strategies for using generative AI to tackle three of the most pressing concerns that have arisen due to the wide availability of generative AI software: directing and encouraging responsible student use to meet specific learning outcomes; constructing and evaluating assignments that intelligently incorporate generative AI, and assessing student knowledge in the age of gen AI. Led by experienced educators, you will have the opportunity to learn from peers and practice developing class activities that help you use artificial intelligence to not only mitigate cheating, but also foster deeper student learning and engagement. Register now and join the AI-powered educational journey!

AI Amplified Learning: Discipline-Specific Strategies Workshop

with Jennifer Duncan, Associate Professor of English, Georgia State University Perimeter College; Matthew Bruce Ingram, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, Dakota State University; Vaughn Scribner, Associate Professor of History, University of Central Arkansas; and Matt Evans, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

If you’re ready to move beyond general principles of AI-related educational changes to understand, plan, and activate new AI-enhanced teaching strategies in your discipline, this is the webinar for you. This AI Workshop, tailored for college instructors seeking to elevate their teaching practices begins with a brief overview of discipline-agnostic AI-related principles, then explores concrete tactics for using generative AI to enhance student engagement, streamline learning experiences, and foster innovative teaching methodologies. Attendees are then invited to smaller discipline-specific groups, with educator-coaches from those disciplines, to practice incorporating domain-specific tips and strategies to integrate AI into class assignments and assessments. Register today to be a part of these vibrant, practical working sessions, and harness the power of collective expertise to optimize AI integration within your discipline.

A Whole New World: Exploring AI's Impact on Future Pathways of Education

with Susan Winslow, Chief Executive Officer, Macmillan Learning

This illuminating webinar featuring Macmillan Learning CEO, Susan Winslow, and a distinguished cohort of educators will explore the profound implications of AI in shaping educational and professional worlds, in particular AI-related competencies soon-to-be graduates will likely need to develop to succeed in many professional settings in the near future. This engaging session will also cover AI's influence on educational paradigms and provide a platform to contemplate strategic interventions that enhance student learning outcomes in rapidly evolving corporate and educational settings. Reserve your spot today!

Threading the Needle: Cultivating Ethical and Inclusive Teaching in an AI Era

with Scott Cohn, Associate Professor of Psychology, Western Colorado University; and Éva Szeli, Teaching Professor, Arizona State University

This working session kicks off with a distinguished panel of educators on how they have managed the delicate balance of integrating AI into pedagogy with ethical considerations at the forefront. This working session will then have attendees collaborate to address real teaching scenarios that invite educators to leverage AI tools to uphold principles of fairness, equity, and inclusivity in educational settings. Attendees will walk away from this working session with concrete strategies that foster a learning environment where AI integration aligns harmoniously with ethical teaching practices. Reserve your spot now to elevate your teaching practice with ethical AI-enhanced teaching techniques.